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More on Mail Services (Part 2 of 2)

This is part two in a two-part series. You can read part one here.

In the first part of this two-part series, we explained how a full service logistics company with mail services could help you attract more customers with direct mail, but we didn’t want to leave you with the impression that this is all a 3PL can do to help with the mail burden.

In fact, there are lots of other ways to use a 3rd party logistics firm for help with mail services, including:

Catalog distribution. You may have your catalog online, but many of your customers still appreciate a physical catalog. Not only does it provide people with a real reminder of your business, it can help you reach older customers who may not feel comfortable ordering from an eCommerce business. Catalog distribution services often include managing the customer database so that people can freely opt in and out without being hassled.

NCOA address correction. Providing your mailing services partner with a current customer database is a great start, but they can go one step further to ensure that your mailing list is both deliverable and complete. By incorporating NCOA address correction services, you’ll not only eliminate mail that’s returned because of a bad address, your mail may qualify for additional standard and first class mail discounts.

Lettershop services. Don’t have time to create the mailers you want to send out? That’s no problem when your mailing partner offers lettershop services. Custom designed mailers that are addressed to specific customers get more attention than generic, boring mail. A 3PL with a lettershop can put together flyers, brochures, letters, booklets, postcards and envelopes that get results for a small fee.

Customized mail services. The best part about working with a mailing services company is being able to completely customize your mail program. Whether you need pre-sorting, inserting, folding, mail matching, tabbing, shrink wrapping, poly bagging or custom labels, you’ll get the perfect mailers for your campaign every time. By mixing and matching services, your mail services partner can help you design fliers that are more cost efficient and just as effective as full blown sales letters.

For example, if you want to send out a mailer that asks your customers to return a card postage paid, you might ask your mail services company to create a postcard with a fold-over that your customers simply detach and send back. Instead of spending money on envelopes, letters and the extra postage involved, you’d simply pay for postcards and the return shipping would be at a postcard rate.

No matter what kind of business you’re running, you’ll always need some mail services to reach certain groups of customers. Partnering with a 3PL with a lettershop can get your mail out in front of your chosen audience for a lot less than you might imagine, allowing you to communicate with online shoppers a more often with a bigger impact.


January 07, 2016
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