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Q&A With…. Paula Osorio

This month we sat down with Paula Osorio, a Project Manager for our Fulfillment Services and 3PL clients.

What is your role with the company?

As a Project Manager, I am responsible for all of the day-to-day operations and orders for my list of clients. I am the main point of contact for them, so anything that comes up, whether good, bad or otherwise, comes to me. I make sure that the work for each of those clients gets done every day. They call and email me with questions about everything including: shipping, freight, inventory, orders, tracking numbers, claims, billing and more. I help them and if I am not the best person to help with a particular issue, I will connect them to the person who can help them.

I have been with ShipWizard since 2006. First I worked at the Call Center, and then moved to the Answering Service, where I worked as an agent for two years and then as a manager for four years. I transferred to Fulfillment in 2012.

What is it like to work with this company?

All of us try to keep it fun. Of course, we are serious about our work and our ongoing responsibilities, but we also try to keep it fun and to help each other out. My co-workers have become my friends, too.

Have you learned any important lessons while working here in this job?

I have found that the best way to handle challenges or issues, either internally or with our clients, is to be patient and to do my best to calm the situation down. I assure my clients that we are working on the issue, and I give them details related to how we are going to fix the issue. I like to help everyone feel more comfortable, and take my job as a manager very seriously.

Also, I always try to have a smile on my face even when dealing with a difficult situation. I have found that it always helps calm the situation down, and help the people involved calm down, if I am smiling. Things get resolved more quickly and easily.

What kinds of things do you like to do outside of work?

I exercise every day after work unless I have school. I do body weight workouts and running. In January. I ran my first half marathon, and hopefully I will soon run a full one, too.

I also go to school and am currently earning my Bachelor’s in Technology Management. I expect to graduate in the Summer or Fall of 2016.


May 19, 2015
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